Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Warning sign

I watch the dark waves roll in
but i dare not emerge in them
i sit on the fence that borderlines danger
I see the train coming and play with fate
yet i always keep one eye fixated on the warning sign

I dance beside the tornados but never in them
i play with the shadows of the night
but always have a candle near by
I walk on the tightrope balanced in midair
yet i always keep one eye fixated on the warning sign

I jump into the lake with chains locked around my ankles
but i always make sure to keep the key in my hands
I watch the fires burn in the distance
the skies rebel with resistance
I am fascinated by the lightning in the sky
as it torments the trees
i want to reach out and touch the electricity
but i always stay behind the safety of a closed window pane
I like to dance with the devil at times
but i always manage to keep one eye fixated
on the warning sign.