Saturday, March 7, 2009

My Little World

My silhouette dances around the walls
beneath the soft tea lights spread around the room
I sit on my bed alone feeling evanescent
I watch the trees outside
golden to grey as they fade into the dusk

My mind wanders as i toss in my worn sheets
my wooden bed aches and moans with every turn
my world feels like a snow globe being shook

The candles flicker rapidly in unison with my mind,
racing with unfinished thoughts, thoughts that
never seem to tire. They want so much attention from me
Will they ever leave me be?

Fall asleep please so i can escape from this solemn
world and leave behind my ever so dwindling hope
so the cooing doves outside my window
will fade into my dreams

my eye lids heavy with the thought of another day
the same as the rest.
The clock is ticking above my head in its monotone song
as i wait. I will wait until the end of time.
For time does not exist to me... anymore

My dreams remain hovered above my head
as far as the ceiling will allow them go
the stars are beginning to come out about now
I will sit in my little world and wait ....
waiting until the morning comes again...
again in my little world i will wait.

I used to...

I used to watch the waves roll
and the clouds come in to rain
now i watch the ants march
along the edges of the stones

I used to walk along the promenade
watching the people
come and go
now i watch the suds of soap
dissolve upon my skin

I used to sit and read under the willow tree
while the breeze kissed my face
now i turn the pages
of my thoughts in my own racing mind

I used to run, laugh and dance
in the shadows of the moon
now i sit in this shunning and defeating silence
alone in my room

Pale as Winter

The mango magnolia trees sway
sweat dripping down my toes like jewels in a furnace
sweet moist air on my tongue
The hot breeze buzzes in my ear
while milk birds caw in the heat
the sky is a beaten orange
But my face is still pale as winter.

The hum of the fruit flies buzz in the distance
the warmth of the sun tickles me softly
as i walk down the road towards new beginnings
I wait lingering in a confusing comfort with my past.
Beauty and bliss swirl in front of my eyes
but my face is still pale as winter.

Every fear has been erased
sorrow moments softly fading
pain and agony stopped in time
for i still see the lifeless trees, their naked branches
the cold air, the white snow
the earth is blooming now with summer
but my face is still pale as winter.