Monday, August 31, 2009

Oh Dear Raspberry Sun ....

0h bobbling raspberry sun
how you hover over the horizon
scorching the earth
into shards of molten

Sweat drips down my face
like hot glass.
Water melts like a mirage
as it touches my skin
and drifts off back to the sky where it
once had been.

Ignescent stones
swelter under your furnace, sun
They cry out for the cool touch of
the distant night to come

They cry out for the rain
to pelt the ground with its tears
to wash away the fervent air
and to soothe their burns and fears.

For the wet air to wisp away
the ashes and the timbers
to turn the skin white yet again
to prepare the earth for winter.

Oh bobbling raspberry sun
how i wont miss your luminous rays
smoldering hot and golden
that turns my body into molten.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Sometimes when im sad or feel like life is a dark place i look at beautiful things. Heres a bunch of my favorite photo's....


The perfume of the sea
where the mermaids swim
in the small cove of russet and green
Far out where the birds sing

Voices full of sweet prayers
bathing behind moss rocks
Ivory hair ethereal, woven with colored stones
limpid like the breeze, unabashed like the sea.

Allow me to touch her transparent skin.
cleanse my mortal body full of sin.
I breathe in the salt stung air and watch the sun
cast off her flowing alabaster hair

Come back with me, abyssal world
drown my eyes in your mystical whirl.
Swim with your fins inside my palms
Fill my heart with your whispers and songs.

I watch as their fins radiate jolts to the sky
Dipping in and out of the cerulean tide.
small glints of their scales will blind your mind.
Step into their world and watch ur thoughts subside.

The sea grass sways where the mermaids swim
in the small cove of russet and green
far out where the birds sing.