Sunday, September 19, 2010


I look out the glass window that suddenly ruptures into tiny shards

which then scatter like diamonds on top of the stairwell.

My heart drops dismally inside its porcelain cage

beating like insect wings.

I can feel your taunting, your boldness.

Your bice filth plummets into my stomach, yet again.

I look away.

Away from the lives of others, the lives I do not have.

The lives I grieve over with you on my shoulder.

You lurk just between the small hairs on my arms,

feeding my brain sorrow and of pity.

Oh pity me.

How you twist and distort my present moment,

robbing all perspective or reason,

drowning my lungs as would the sea to a small fishing boat.

And tearing my hair to spindly threads.

What poison you are to my being,

lurking around every corner,

waiting like a dog for a crumb.

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